Thursday, December 5, 2019

Weather and Pain

Happy December 5th. It's been cold and raining today. A lot of people would say that the weather Sucks. I am not that person any longer strange enough. Yes, I will joke about it, but honestly it is one more day on this side of the sod. Life is too short in the 1st place. Get on up and make the best of it. But what really does suck is the way the weather changes tend to affect me. Never doubted my Grandma, when she would say she hurt and that's how she knew the weather was changing. But Honestly, I never quite believed her either. It's a whole new ball game! Was up until 1 this morning working on a video on Youtube, and could feel my chest getting tighter. I flip my wig when it comes to chest pain. Start rubbing my box, and grab the ointment and work it in good. Ok Perv, not that way.. WOW you should be ashamed of yourself! LOL I was referring to the Tiger Balm, or whatever you use. I am not sure my wife will let us hang out any more, you may be just as twisted as I am. Okay, so I am laying there clutching my chest. It is Cold outside, and I am tired and hurting. I reach over to my handy dandy night stand and grab the Tiger balm and rub that into my chest and start to drift of to sleep. I have some interesting dreams and wake up at 5:45, Feeling like someone has buried an axe hammer in my upper left chest. I have to pee so bad, but I am kinda comfy and do not want to move. So I lay there for a bit listening to my wife snore, and keep thinking to myself, is she going to make it? I really think she has sleep apnea. She Snorts, and grunts and stops breathing and just when I am about to smack the snot out of her so she will start breathing, she snorts again. Some days, it has become a comforting noise. Yes, I hope that she does not remember where I sleep after she reads this. I will be in Mortal danger. Okay, so I am laying there feeling sorry for myself, I can't move my left arm, so she is probably safe from getting startled awake. And the pain just keeps getting worse. I look out the window, and it is snowing.. Oh yea! Going to have to scrape ice off my car before I go as well. I do not know how it happened, because by all rights it does not make any sense to me. I look up and there is the wife getting dressed for the day. I asked what the whining noise was, and she said it was my daughters dog. I am wondering how she got up before I did and why her lil pug was whining at my door. She asks me to meet her down stairs for COFFEE.. MMMM I LOVE COFFEE! Boom Baby, Percolator, not that tasteless drip stuff I was drinking for most of my life. Yes, I know I am not supposed to have the Caffeine, but you know I gave up the Cigarettes, and the energy drinks and the man card. So I sit up and break out the rigamortis, fun filled events of getting out of bed. I waddle into the bathroom, take care of business and proceed to attempt to get dressed. I talk a lot of crap for someone that falls over getting shorts on and can't breath tying my shoes. But hey, heaven for me any more in putting that hot cup of coffee on my chest to soothe the pain on a nice cold morning. Provided I am not having a hot flash I may add. Staircases in the typical house that I have been in, have the handrail on the right side when you are ascending the stairs. When you go down the stairs it is on the left. No Bueno if your left arm and chest are hurting. Just FYI. So I have envisioned my demise being my knee pain making me grab the handrail with my left arm. That hurts so bad that I fall down the stairs like some sort of rubber chicken and my legs somehow become infused with my eyeballs. I finish waddling down stairs, Dog to my right potentially plotting my destruction. I let my dogs out and the wife gives me a smooch. She thinks I am pretty cute still. She hands me a cup of that delicious elixir of life and this is when the added excitement of my morning begins. I have just recently gotten a new Percolator and away from drip coffee. If I was a smart man, there may only be one incident. As it turns out, I got lucky as I had a shirt on, and that cup didn't burn me as bad as it usually does. Maybe I am old enough now, that my brain is like a barely functioning Commodore 64 computer from the late 80's. You know, takes a few hours to turn all the way on. So only melting the skin off my defibrillator today was good. Sitting on the couch watching it snow, seeing the squirrels in the feeder. It was time to start another fun filled day. I could have the nerves in my chest modified, according to my Dr. But with the majority of careers I have had in my life, if you can not feel it you are going to lose it mentality. I would just assume have the pain. It does let you know that you are still here. What are some of the things that you go through?

Taking a closer look at the Haunted Tiki Ukulele from Mitchell