Life does not stop! Maybe it Begins? Steven S. Bunker AD, After Death.

   So after receiving an ICD, Pace maker or other device you may think of all the ways your life has ended or is over. For those that are living with us that have this problem I hope you can read my story and other things on this blog and find a way to be strong and supportive. I have a big family, and have been the sole financial support of my family for a long time now. We have our up's and downs just like everyone else, however it is possible we have some deeper extremes of downs and lower level of up's than most others. I would imagine it has to do with perspective. Perception is reality! Those that I know that hate this statement have no real idea of life in my opinion. I have learned this to be the truth for me. I also want to inform those that think you can't hurt someones feelings by what you say to re think that statement. I for one have become an emotional train wreck since my episode. The things that used to roll off my back like water off a duck now seem to affect me and my mood immensely. I find it very difficult to get used to. The things that are ringing true in my mind at the moment in regards to life its self. What would my family have done if I had Passed? What would have become of them? I am a very hard working man, or at least I was. Now I am trying to find that happy medium of balance between life and work. What may that be? Nobody ever said on their death bed, I should have worked more. Nobody probably ever said you have to work all the time. Right? So perhaps now life will begin. I need to discover the things in life I enjoy. I used to enjoy Fishing, and destroying toy stores with super soaker water guns. I enjoy animals and cars and I like to ignite fireworks and have some drinks here and there. Other than that I am learning what I enjoy. I am hell bent on getting a tattoo, OK that is a lie. I fully intend on getting some awesome tattoo work done, even though my doctors try to scare me with the risk of infection. I can see through that, I cut myself fairly frequently, and I have the same risk of infection with a cut as I do with a tattoo. I will not be told I can not live, now that I have the will. So this part of this blog will be about life experiences After Death! Steven S Bunker AD..

This is what happens when I watch the movie Paul! lol

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