Being a Dad with an ICD

 So in today's addition on the front of being a man with an ICD at the grand old age of 43, I took my boys fishing yesterday at Bingham Lake. This started from the need to get out and do something fun with the family for little or no cost. The lake / reservoir is located in a neighborhood I used to reside in. It was actually an area I would have loved to have stayed in. It is in the Pinery, which is a golf course community. So it appears that the lake has been turned over to Douglas county and is a public place. I am writing about this today because of learning to do things, and finding things I enjoy after having an ICD implant. Having a heart condition does not negate the fact I am still a father. My kids depend on me for most everything, and I fully intend on being here for a while to enjoy them growing up.

   As a young man I had always loved to go fishing. I suppose it is strange because I am really not very good at it. I am trying to teach my boys how to fish, and I am sure it would be helpful if I was better at it. Like all fishermen I have had dreams of catching the big one. The gigantic state record of Walleye, pike, trout or whatever else. I learned how to fish when I was pretty young and have always had a great time with it. I have never really caught much more than Bluegill. The biggest Bass I think I have ever caught was a 15" Bass at Chatfield Reservoir. What a blast that was! I will never forget how that fish skipped across the top of the water trying to throw the hook. What a fun fish to have had the honor of catching. The thrill was awesome and the adrenalin rush I had from that one event was fantastic.

   So as a father I remember the events of my childhood and I want my kids to have better experiences then I had. The way things have gone for most of my life, I just want them to have some experiences. I took my whole family to Bingham lake yesterday for a walk. I have been walking again, every night for one and a quarter miles a day, with an occasional three mile walk tossed in. I thought it would be fun to go to an outdoor park and walk around a lake, and check it out. It is close enough to take the boys fishing and not be gone for an entire day. I am still pretty paranoid about going to places that I cant get medical help right away. This will fade or I will start taking the chance anyway. But the lake has some nice scenery, it has plenty of wild life and most importantly it is not crowded. You can see ducks, swans and cranes, not to mention turtles and other wild life. We saw deer as well, but I think of those as rats now, seeing as how they camp in my front yard fairly often.

   Well we were on a walk around the lake, and having a great time when my wife mentions "You should take the boys fishing, What do you need to do that?" I tell her I need to renew my fishing permit, the boys do not need permits because they are all under 16 other than that I need a new rod. Before I had my ICD I was trying to teach my boys to fish. I took them to Aurora Reservoir and we were fishing for whatever we could catch. My middle boy Aiden got a bite and I had to grab his pole to keep it from going into the lake. Unfortunately I broke the tip when I did that. So I got him a new rod. My youngest boy Jake developed a huge interest in fishing so I gave him my rod and reel combo to make him happy. And my oldest, Liam has a decent rod and reel. So dad got his fathers day gift a bit early. I went and got my permit, and I bought a new bait casting combo. So we come home and dig for worms out in the yard and get ready to go fishing.

   So the thing my boys are not getting with me so far is this, Fishing is not whether you catch anything or not. It is however about the places it takes you and the people you go there with. Now part of that is something I got from a movie, called A River Runs Through it, I have no clue who wrote that line, but it is accurate as it can be. It is nice to catch fish, I do eat them but that is just an added bonus at times. Trying to get your boys to enjoy the surroundings and being out with one another is the real goal. If I can teach them how to catch keeper size fish will be an added bonus. So my boy Aiden has Caught 2 trout and a couple of Bluegill. My son Liam has yet to catch a fish, I would cut parts off for him to catch something here. My youngest Caught a little bass last evening and had to learn about catch and release on top of it. He took it well overall, but he is five and has the attention span of a Gnat. I showed him the picture and he pointed out the can of worms.. Huh, go figure.

  So the nice part about this is I am sure I can learn how to catch fish better. But the point is to teach them not just how to catch fish, but to enjoy nature and wildlife. They are learning why I take an extra bag with me when we go out and enjoy nature. I take the extra bag for those people who are too ignorant and lazy to pick up and pack out their own trash. Its not much but it is a contribution to nature. Just like a fishing or hunting permit and habitat stamps. those ensure we all have a chance to fish and hunt. They also ensure that those that like to hike have parks and trails enjoy as well. My boys are learning the importance of maintaining the habitats and that is definitely something, I am going to have them sit down and tie some knots so that they don't have to rely on dad to tie a cinch knot. Their casting has room to be desired as well but practice will improve this all on its own.

  I learned that I love seeing the look on Jakes face when he catches a fish. I love seeing Liam and Aiden out at the lake and enjoying nature. I cant tell you how excited I was to see them at the lake with me,their dad, instead of playing video games. I am proud of myself for attempting to teach them some life skills and am hopeful that they will learn to enjoy fishing as much as I do. Time will tell, and I am sure Liam is about due for a good catch!

 One of the best things I have ever done so far in my life is Teach my boys to fish! A true life lesson, not just  for them but for dad too! I have an ICD and I am teaching my boys to fish!

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