Exercising, Hiking with an ICD

   So if you are like me, maybe you panic when it comes to exercise. I have been super sensitive to my heart rate since the last time I got nuked and am very cautious about it. I have figured out that I have to put it in my back pocket and get busy getting stronger. How do we get stronger? Well, as I understand this, exercise makes your heart and body stronger. Yes we have heart issues, I think that the heart issues I have stem from a weak heart. So I have been walking every day. That is a lie today, as the fires in the Black Forrest are preventing me from walking at night right now. But I did manage to go hiking with the family in Castlewood canyon. This canyon has some history to it, and is a beautiful place to hike. It does have some paved paths as well as regular dirt hiking trails. So before the Sudden Cardiac Death incident I experienced we used to come here often. Since the SCD, we continue to come here. I find it peaceful, and relaxing even though it is exercise. I am also able to let go of the OCD I have with my heart rate when I am here. There are ruins of an old homestead on the north side of the park. There is also ruins of a Dam that broke back in 1933. I understand it was one of the worst floods in Colorado history.


   The dam as it was constructed in 1890, Was in Franktown Colorado until 1933. The ruins are still pretty fantastic. With the trails and paths to hike on, and the ruins and scenery to see its easy to forget you are exercising. When you walk along the paths and trails, through the trees, pausing to notice the wild life and beautiful canyon walls. You really do forget that you are actually doing something for your health. I find I am no longer focused on my heart rate, and I am able to get my heart rate up and keep it elevated for at least 20 minutes at a time. That is what it takes to strengthen your heart. Elevated heart rate for 20 minutes a day or more. When you are hiking, you go up hill as well as down. You not only work out your heart, but you also work out your legs. If you are using your arms, then you are getting even more of a cardiovascular work out. But do we really notice that we are working out when we do something we enjoy? No we do not. It seems like a recreational activity, and not much like a genuine workout. Maybe this is really the way we should be working out. Maybe it doesn't have to be such a pain in the butt to be keeping healthy. 

   The ruins of the dam as it looks today. It is impressive as you walk through the canyon to see how beautiful it is and to see parts of the dam laying throughout the canyon. It really had to be a different place in 1934 and 1932. You can still see that though the land has healed and trees and vegetation have re grown the devastation the water caused as it tore through the canyon when the dam broke. We certainly underestimate the power that water has when it is moving. What an impressive force. 

   The Lucas Homestead built in the 20's appears to have survived the flood of the early thirties. Realistically this is how the building has looked since the day after the dam broke. Well, the idea here is to let you know that there are places to go, and things you can do to exercise that will not be so much like exercise. While you are out enjoying things like Castlewood Canyon, or whatever else suits your fancy, you can be exercising. You can build strength and stamina while you do something that you enjoy. I have survived hiking through Castlewood Canyon on several occasions since having the ICD implanted. I figure if I can do it, then so can you. Maybe you just have to get off your duff and do something. I know I sure needed to. I will be looking for other places to go hiking and exploring as well. The best part is Castlewood Canyon is only 8 miles from my house. It does make it very convenient to explore often. 

  I hope that some of the things I write are motivational to you all. The need for exercise is very real, but please do contact your Doc and be sure that you stay in your limits. There is nothing quite like the great out doors, and if any of you are in or come to Colorado and want to check out Castlewood Canyon, I highly recommend it! I would be happy to join you on a hike or walk as well. Just shoot me a message and we can see if we can make it work. I hope you have a great day! 

   Keep coming back! I am sure there will be more adventures to share!

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