Itching for Tattoo's

     A short start to the desire of tattoos I have had for many years. I have been wanting to get some wicked tattoos for quite some time, but have never had the time or money to invest in them. So this page is going to be about tattoos. The idea is to share what we desire. The Idea is to bring people closer together and not loose sight that we are still people with dreams and desires. So on the opening of this page, I am going to introduce you to a couple of drawings that my brother Tyson has drawn. Tyson is an incredible artist and I can not wait for him to be ready to sling some ink once again. He had a bit of an accident a couple of days before our last attempt. He is on the mends and I can not express to anyone how proud of him I am. He has an incredible story as well. But that is for him to tell if he chooses to do so. What I know is this. He is a bad ass tattoo artist, and he does deserve kudos for his art. The first picture is of a drawing he has done for my right arm. It is not complete and I do not anticipate seeing it complete until it is a finished Tat.

     How cool is that? I can not wait to get this started. There are more pictures I will be posting on here and there will be some information on what the Doctors say about it. Feel free to send me your stories and pics as well. This is it for the moment, but will add more as I have time. ICD and ink, a new topic I think..

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