The Signs of Sudden Cardiac Death, As Experienced.

     So this is a subject that I know very little about. The big problem with SCD is that you don't know you have it until its too damned late.  Now the published stats I have read at the doctors office show that only approximately 4% of people that have it survive to tell the tale. That leaves an astounding 96% that do not survive to get the little in chest paramedic. What does that mean? This means that you in fact are a very lucky special person if you survived. It means that your family is lucky you are still here, and that perhaps they recognize this as well.

     The symptoms I had that I recall, started when I was pretty young. I would get this feeling that my heart was just wiggling in my chest, and I would get a little dizzy. I remember that this would come about every 6 months through my late teens and early twenty's. I could never put my finger on the cause, I suppose this means there really was nothing I was doing to aggravate or start this off. I do remember that it did make me worry, and I asked my doctors about it a few times. The response I got I find unsettling now. They would explain to me that it was not actually happening and it was most likely in my head. This is when I believed doctors knew everything, and seeing the word practice everywhere really meant nothing to me. I never recalled having pain associated with my symptoms until later in life. I would run, and run and then when I would stop my heart would be going crazy in my chest and feel like it was pounding extra hard. But being young and not really familiar with how things work, I thought this was nothing and blew it off.

     As I got older, I found that my symptoms would come around a lot more frequently. It was a maximum of 3 months apart but usually once a month on average.  As I had gotten older I noticed I would get a little discomfort about an inch below my left arm pit, similar to someone trying to poke their finger between your ribs. So more of a minor discomfort then anything. As I would attempt to quit smoking, it would get extra nasty, and actually had me twisted up enough to get an ambulance ride to the hospital and checked out once again. This time I had a doctor tell me I was having withdrawals from smoking. So I could suck it up and stay quit or I could get some smokes and it would probably quit on its own. I stayed off the smokes for about three years and I really do not remember my symptoms getting any better.

     What I do remember is that those got damned smokes are evil and I broke down one day and bought some. I remember how delicious they were. I can't believe that they could be terrible for you. Well some time went on and I found when my heart would act up, if I would exercise or ride my bike for a little bit it would straighten out in a few minutes. All is good right? Well as time goes by this would happen I would run or ride my bike and presto it would resume normal beating. I wasn't about to have the doctors tell me it was all in my head again.

     The day I died, I was actually feeling well. There was a little jello feeling in my chest but sometimes it would last for days now. Pretty normal I thought. I was at work and had made plans to go to the fishing tournament that night with a friend from the shop. I had spoke with my wife and we were going to go out that evening and have a drink together. It was going to be fantastic. I felt a little more tired then normal, but I was just back from vacation as well. So I thought normal. Well, whammo I fell over into a parts box while reviewing a job. I regained lucid consciousness a day later.

     If you have a fast or irregular heart beat, do not hesitate. Go to your Doctor, get checked and be very very persistent. An EKG I find to be useless, its a 30 second window and for all practical purposes tells them absolutely nothing unless you are having an event at that exact moment. You may have to wear a monitor for a while, but it is a lot better then the alternatives. If you heart seems to really pound in your chest have them check that out as well. Perhaps they can fix you with medications, before you have huge issues. Again, I think you would be happier on medications then dead, or with a box in your chest.

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