Micro Homes?

     So doing a lot of thinking about ones mortality. I found myself considering options that will allow me to live a bit more stress free. It appears that I can be done rather simply. Yes, I know I have not been a construction person for a long damned time but I do not think it necessary. I do have the basic skills necessary and I am not exactly an idiot. Yes, I do have health issues and a damned large family. This is why I am really working this out.. Micro Home? Nah wont cut it. So Container Home with size to it... Possibly so!

    So, the thought of being totally debt free in a couple of years is very appealing to me. I have been fighting it out for many years. I have held down many jobs at a time to make ends meet and like everyone else I have been chasing the eternal dollar. I am tired of tossing all of my money away on a place to live and lining everyone else's pockets. I rarely have enough for my family, and I am tired of fighting a loosing battle. So some investigation and I find out what a lot of other people have done to offset living expenses.  Well Ill be dipped in tar. There is a way to go here. Now it is all about decisions..

 To give you an idea of size here, Large Shipping Containers are 40' long by 8' wide and can be had in 8' and 9' heights as well. Yes, I agree not huge for living space, but depending on the design you can make them rather large and spacious with a unique appeal. The one pictured above appears to be 40' x 40' and that is not bad. my house now is 36' x 21' on the main floor. So the one above is certainly larger. Some other benefits to this is you are recycling by using shipping containers. They are wind and water proof before you modify them for living quarters. A bit of an imagination and you can actually build yourself a luxury home for a fraction of the cost. Do the labor yourself and shave off even more dough!

   So my plan is to figure out what type of home I am comfortable with at this point. I am looking at some large parcels of land at this time as well, and will execute this shortly. The plan here is to build my own home! Yes, health issues and all. I will set this new home up to be solar and wind powered so when the Electric Company comes knocking the will need to cut me a check for the electricity I feed back to them. I will drill a well and run my water through a filtration system. This is the plan and should cost $50k or less to accomplish. Depending on how elaborate I decide to get.

   Now with the plan laid out, I need to decide what my next step will be. Starting to look at property and see what the building codes and regulations allow for. This is actually a very exciting thing to do. The house that Bunk Built. Out of recycled material. What an adventure! Once Completed I will be able to live on very little money and the world can become my play ground!

 Update 6/30/14

   Who would have thought that picking out a parcel of land would be so difficult. Just looking for a place with some trees, 5 or more acres to roam about on. I have it narrowed down to mountain area. But now its also looking into minimum home size.. Yup that's what I said.. Minimum home size? It appears you have to build a minimum of 600 sq ft in most areas. Oh well The one I am going to build should fall some where above that.. lol..just because I am going to go for debt free does not mean I can't have 2500 sq ft.. right? Lol

   Then there are many other considerations as well. What types of waste systems are allowed? What permits are required? Is there phone and electric in the area? What hospitals are near by? What? Yes, you get an issue and whammo, you ask these questions. Sad really but what the hell. So now that I have those to contend with as well.......                                                                                                                                      

I am going to build at this point in my mind a non conventional home. It should measure about 56' x 48' and will utilize 3 large shipping containers.. Ok, stop here.. 1st things 1st.  Waste, water and electric.. Waste will be aseptic system. Water will be a well, filtered of course.. and power I am going to go Solar with wind turbine back up / assist. This home will be totally off the grid. Now I need to make some dough. Trying to keep my total land expense below 20k and as big as I can get... game on..

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