Saturday, November 30, 2019

laying awake at night


     As I lay here thinking about things, I wonder who else is going through this. I have moments throughout the day where I cant keep my eyes open. But when it is time to go to bed sometimes I sleep well, a lot more frequently I lay here awake. The hot flashes I have been getting over the last 8 years are insane. The usually come at night and, wow! Talk about miserable. I am now a firm believer in spontaneous human combustion. They say that when it happens, people burn like candles. I always thought it was just stories until I started to get these miserable little hot flashes. So you go to bed and it's about 13 degrees outside. Farenheit not Celcius. I used to need an electric blanket and lots of covers. Well not any more! Now I need the windows open and a fan blowing on me.  

  I don't know whats worse. Waking up wet and sweating or being awake and feeling your internal temperature rise. I was having a dream the other night that I was sleeping on a lit charcoal grille. Laying across the grate and there were piles of hot coals right below me. I woke up soaking wet with my underwear wrapped around my left ankle. Yup naked and soaked from head to toe. Then trying to remember if I had an apple in my mouth and if I was basted in a honey pineapple glaze. I actually checked myself for sear marks. Was I golden brown? A few minutes pass and, Nope it was just a dream about overheating.. 

     Then there are other times that I am feeling normal and I hear a click in the back of my head, then the temperature starts to rise. Not slow like a pot of water, but more like the furnace just turned on and it's Hell bent on heating things up right now. As a kid I loved the heat. As a young adult I loved the heat. As a heart patient, I love the cold! I have come to the conclusion that it is better to be freezing as you can always add layers for warmth. Heat sux, because you can only get naked, then you are screwed. Think hoping in a nice cool body of water helps? Nope! Not when you are having a hot flash. Nor does going outside in shorts in the snow.. you have to wait for that fire to burn out first.

  I hope that you have a good nights sleep. Looks like I am going to be up for a while... 

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