Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Farms, Cars and People that know you have died.

     Yesterday was initially awkward, but it became a very good day. I went to meet my step parents at a friend of theirs house. I understand that they hadn't seen each other in 50 years! I was invited out there with my boys to see this mans private car collection, and of course get to see my step parents a bit longer. I have not been able to see Larry and Kaye for many many years. The last time they were through Colorado I was out in the field working, I think in Wyoming, I don't much remember where. I learned that just still being here was enough. They didn't have any questions for me about my incident. They didn't pry at all. What did happen is we had a wonderful visit! I was worried that they would treat me different then before, that is how it goes mostly. But how it turned out is, they were so happy to see me and my family. I could not believe how genuinely happy they still are. I learned an awful lot yesterday, perhaps it was just finally the right time for it to register.

     So when we got there yesterday, it was offered to my boys the opportunity to feed a baby cow. Yes, a calf, but we were introduced to it as the baby. Jake got into the pen and fed the baby. He was thrilled to death to be able to feed a baby cow. I got to speak with Larry and we were catching up a little on the boys ages. We walked around and looked at all the farm equipment, and the out buildings. I learned that Larry's friend had 100 acres, and had a lease of 350 additional acres, also access to an additional 625. His friend had worked for a grocery store for his entire career, and had built every building on this property. As we walked and talked there was not even a hint of curiosity about what had happened to me. It was just as cool and calm as when I learned how to fish. As far as I can remember it was Larry that taught me how to fish, when I was five or six. We talked and it was suggested that my son Jake was about the age I was when I first met Larry and Kaye, conscious memory. I remember driving out to California in my dad's new VW Bus. What a fun trip. Well the memories flood back. Larry's friend  brought down a couple of special animals to show my boys, a mini horse and a burrow.

     It is at this point I figure out that I am a terrible photographer. Well the nice part is that my boys all fed the animals some treats and they had a blast. Yes, I have 3 boys and they were all there, terrible photographer right. OK, so we continue talking, and in my mind I am waiting for the questions to pop up. I don't mind talking about it so much, but I do resent how different people treat you when they learn you have been on the other side. We walk around and we look at the buildings, and we walk inside, there is a Dodge neon, and in the middle of a frame off restoration I think I recall it was a 23 Ford Tudor. Not sure on the year, but fantastic automobile, all I know is I want one. He has a lift in this area and an unbelievable collection of Franklin mint collectible cars. There were also old gas pumps from the 20's and 30's time period. What an awesome garage. So we go into the attached garage and see the custom paint booth. I have not seen a paint booth this trick. What an honor to be invited to see this. Then off the paint booth is yet another garage. There was an 80's Corvette, and a few motorcycles and a 53 Henry, and a 23 Ford model "T" Touring. there was one other vehicle as well. I do not know what it was, as I was drooling over the model "T". Granted the only thing I know was changed on the model "T" is it no longer was a hand crank start. The car is 90 years old and was purchased from the daughter of the original owner. She had learned how to drive in this car. What an awesome thing this was. Again terrible photographer, no pictures at all. The car runs and is straight, absolutely fantastic, even though it looked like it was painted from ten feet with a brush. 

     So the main garage as I call it, had these jewels. What a fantastic private collection! 39 Ford sedan, there was a 56 and 55 Chevrolet Belair's, a 69 Beetle convertible, a 72 challenger, a 33 Chevrolet hot rod with jump seat and me standing in a puddle of drool. The Vette is a 72 and the Caddy is just a care he likes an awful lot. I did not get to go and see what all was in the hangar. I understand there is a 57 Chevrolet and yada yada. There are slot machines and a spotless work shop with every bell and whistle you could want. There is a juke box with all 50's era music, and I just cant express how impressed I was with this. Again, what an Honor! So our visit came to an end, and it was time to head to the house. Larry and Kaye followed me and my boys to the house. Where we sat and visited for a while. I am a terrible host as well, as it was a couple of hours before I offered them a glass of water. OMG! could I really screw this up any worse?? We talked about when we used to go out and see them in California, and they brought me some of the pictures they had from those times. We talked about some friends of that time I have not seen, but remember vividly. Not one question about my health arose. We began talking about the camp grounds that they have owned, and I never got to go see. I forgot to get pictures of them, and when they left last evening, I was happy but saddened. We had such a brief amount of time. 

     I have to get on my feet. I have to be able to go to see them in California. I know they will not be able to travel like this much longer. I do not want there to be 10 damned years between visits. I have to be able to live. I learned that Larry and Kaye had always been in the people business. They have done well for themselves, but most of all they enjoyed their careers and path in life. They always had some time to spend with others, and have always been nothing but loving to me. There was no hint that they had any questions about what had happened to me. There was no hint of having to be cautious about what had happened. There was nothing but us, and the kindness they have always shown me. The kindness they have always shown my entire family. I can not believe that something so positive and genuine can reduce me to tears. They are a little older now then I remember them being, and of course so am I. It would appear that being in the people business may indeed be an awesome way to live your life. It definitely will let you live. 

   For some, the fact you have an ICD will not change the fact they love you! It will not change the fact that some people just flat out care about you, and the time they have with you. The good memories come flooding back, and you have memories of what was. Life is all about memories, and the more positive memories we have the better off we are. I am impressed that all they wanted was to know I was OK, and it seems a visual confirmation was all that it would take. 

 Again, I am the luckiest man on the planet! I do have a lot of support, and I hope you do as well. It would appear that life is not that bad after having gone through this. 

 Keep coming back! 

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