Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ever been so mad you wanted to......

   Have ou ever been so pissed of at some one that you wanted to suck your finger and get it sloppy dripping wet.. Jam it in some ones ear and wave a big magnet over your ICD? Yeah, me either.

   Ok, so that's a lie. Depends on the damned moment. I think about it all the time.. I no longer want to beat some one senseless.. Ok, Ok that's a lie too. But come on. I have listned to people whine and cry about the most stupid shit. I have often wondered if maybe a good jolt of electricity through the brainis exactly what they need.. Will they flop on the floor like a fish out of water or will it not do a damned thing. Hummm that is why they sell tazers I bet. If the ICD won't work pull out the tazer.. make sure you spit on the point of electrical contact to ensure good electrical flow and WHAMMO! Let the sparks fly. That's right you sorry bastard. That'll teach you to smash that cart into my heels.

  Hell it could be a revolution. You could nail any one. Look you jack off, you screwed up my order. I said no pickles, here is a shock or two for that. Oh, you goofy broads decide to stand in the middle of the aisle and hog that whole some bitch up so we can't walk past. This is not social hour Zzzzzttt. Lol bet ya don't do that again. Perhaps we could change how people act and pay attention...

    Well nothing much to report today people. It has been a good day. A little pain around my device but nothing too major. I find it hard to make it through the day without a nap, especially hot days. I have gotten pretty lazy, and know I need to exercise and perhaps this will boost my energy levels once again. I am not enjoying the man boobs I have developed nor the belly. My Dr. Says its my body trying to protect it's self so It is growing fat around my pecs. The belly, that's a different story all together. Mmmmmm food.. tasty tasty food.. lol.

  I hope you all are doing as well as I am, if not I hope you are doing better.

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