Thursday, June 27, 2013

It is amazing what can happen if you try!

    So I have been doing tests all week so far. I have taken my sales license test and wiz quizzes and personality tests. Why the hell do they test for all of this crap? They do a background check to see if you are  a felon.  They check your credit to see how screwed up you are financially, so they can determine if you are going to rip them off, or whatever else. They check you pee to be sure you are not an engineer. They say drugs, but engineers are on serious drugs so it's an engineer test. Seriously how else can you explain what engineers come up with? I say it's all about the hallucinations. Then they give you an open book test to see if you can comprehend the laws, good idea I suppose. But what are you doing? You are going to be selling people cars. Yes you do have to have a certain mentality to do this. It is in fact the hardest form of sales you will ever do. Everyone absolutely hates you when they walk on the lot. If they get a great deal they hate you even more, and will burn you down on the survey. Regardless, to make any money, you do need to make friends quickly and convince them to give you a 100% A+ score on the survey. Anything less then an A+ and you can be terminated. You usually get brow beat on a daily basis and you have to wear a got damned shirt and tie in the heat of 100 degree days. Well, I am good at it, so game on! One of these days I will sell only used cars and I will pretty happy. Why used you ask? Well, here is the thing with used cars. There is really no such thing as a new car.

    For instance this is a 2013 Mini Cooper, it is a well built car and definitely one of my favorites! It is exceptionally well built and it is so much fun to drive. Compared to the 1st gen Mini it is huge, but it is in fact a tiny car. But look at the design and details of this car. I say it is appealing to the eye and it looks sporty and fun. If you get the "S" model it's  a quick little bastard as well. It will stop on a dime, and it holds turns like it is on rails. What a fun little car to drive and own. But it is only "new" for a moment.

    Now this one is a 2008 Mini Cooper and it for all practical purposes looks identical. But check this out. this car is $10,000 dollars less then the new one to start with. It still drives the same, and it still a fast lil mo fo and it's fun to drive. It has a lower payment and is easier to afford. When you buy it, there is no instant transformation to a used car. There is no initial depreciation hit from hell on it, and it still looks like a new car.   With the car fax and some general basic inspection, you know it has not been in an accident, and it is not advertised as a rebuilt from salvage vehicle. Oh that's right, warranty, I have to have a warranty. Well they do sell bumper to bumper warranty's for reasonable money, you  can add to the vehicle. I do recommend these if you buy used. So eliminate the warranty factor, and what are you left with? A new car smell, and you are the only person to have driven it. Oh wait, it has a few miles on it, how did that happen? They didn't push it around to get the miles on it, yes they in fact drove it. So you are just paying for the smell. Well, there are some people that do enjoy a new car, and there always will be. I just prefer to deal with used myself. Here is why. You, the consumer save a lot of money. You do not take the depreciation hit, and you can keep a late model vehicle in the driveway that most people assume is new. It still gives you the same look, and the same excitement factor as a new car. Why? Because it is in fact "new" to you. It really is an emotion the "new" feeling. In a vehicle it is the transition from an MSO to a Certificate of title that really defines between new and used. 1500 Miles at the lot and it makes the same transition. So when you buy used, you are happy, your wallet is happy and your salesman is happy. It is truly a win win situation. 

    So enough of that rant. Well the above picture is of a Giraffe mail box me and the family made. I say it came out fantastic, and it's adorable as well. Today is really about new beginnings, I am turning the page on the last chapter in my life, and I really do not care to look back on some of it. The page is career, and I am moving forward, even though its a step to the left. I probably should have stayed in the car business, but all things happen for a reason and I think I get why I went the route I did. I know now that I would not be here if I had stayed in the car business over the last four years. The things that were in place for me when I died were not in place at the dealerships I was at. So I now know the reason why I went through the struggles I did, to wind up where I was. What does the Giraffe have to do with it? If I didn't make it, that Giraffe in the picture would not exist! Maybe it is really pretty stupid, Maybe that is how you look at that picture. Maybe it seems trivial to most of you. I know before I died, I would have thought so. I know before I died, I took an awful lot of things for granted. So my daughter Haley drew the template, and I cut out the pieces and assembled them. Then several coats of bright yellow paint later I have an unusual looking yellow thing. My Wife and two daughters made it what it is from there. Yes if you want one we do make them. Just message me and I will fill you in on what it takes. The point to this being, we do not know what exactly we affect. It may be something as simple as a cute mail box coming into existence. It my be that we affect someones life, like our children or spouses and other family. It appears that through Sudden Cardiac Death, and an Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator that we do still have value. We do indeed have a purpose in life, what that may be I do not know. Maybe I was just supposed to make a cute mailbox with help from others. Maybe you were just supposed to be there for someone else today. There are endless possibilities. 

     I know I am here for these people. Maybe you are here for those that love you as well. I know without these people I am really nothing. I know that I am beginning to enjoy certain aspects of my life that I have never enjoyed before. I know that I would rather talk with people ever day, then stand in a dingy shop grinding metal and assembling heavy equipment. I know I am destined for great things, and I am going to have nice things as well. What that means is do not give up on your dreams. Dreams are what help keep us going. They push us towards achieving our goals and they keep us young. OK, that's a lie, they probably are what make us old, like kids. LOL.  I know if you are not happy in your career, that will make you old as well. So do not hate your salesman, and enjoy life. Buy used and save some dough, and avoid getting shocked by electrical pulses charging through your body.

     Having to have an ICD, you say Sucks! I say it Sucks too! I also say the problem as to why we have these ICD's has a huge suck factor to it as well. I often wonder what I may have done differently to have avoided this. I maybe should have taken care of my body better. Oh, here is a novel idea, there is nothing I can do about the past. The only form of possible control I do have is over the choices I make now. I choos to enjoy life, I choose to exercise and become healthier. I choose to not dwell in my mind on my pitty pot about having a box in my chest. I choose to inform as many people as I can about my situation in the hopes it will help others with theirs. I choose to continue my life, and be here for quite a while yet. I choose to not let this beat me. So the fact is, the situation sucks. The fact is maybe I brought this on myself. The fact is perhaps I can live now. The fact is now I try. I do enjoy the comments that I get from everyone. I look forward to any and all comments and can't wait to read them when they arrive. 

    The next subject will be discussing the fears of sex with an ICD. This could be entertaining and any input from outside sources on this subject would be fantastic! I will try to keep it a clean as I can. No guarantees! 

   Tune in to the next episode... 

  Keep coming back, and please continue to comment, follow my blog, add me to circles too if you like. Lets have some fun with a serious situation! We do deserve a good laugh! Sorry about the editing as my proof reader is tied up for the last few days.

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