Sunday, June 30, 2013

SEX and an ICD

        Caution: Readers 18 and older, Not intended for children. OK, so maybe 21 and older. This does contain some sort of adult descriptions.

      As I stated before, today's blog entry is about sex. I will try to keep it clean but there are really no guarantees. So here we go.

     One day you are normal and able to have sex anywhere any time and any place, for the most part at any rate. Then something changes, you wake up in the ICU and then you get your ICD installed and a few weeks later your mind returns to sorta normal. So you begin thinking about sex once again. Now if you have read your owners manual, ( I wish Babies came with one) It states that sexual activity is OK. It does provide you with some cautionary statements as well, like if your device goes off while you are having relations your partner is going to know all about it. Hummm you think? From experience, when the thing goes off and you are brushing your teeth, you almost jam that tooth brush out the back of your head, and you spit tooth paste all over the ceiling and mirror. Every muscle in your body tightens up and your mind shuts down. Nah, I can keep that a secret.. lol Right?! Oh and the next time it went off, through no voluntary action of my own, I tried to crawl into my underwear drawer. So yes I can keep this a secret. So the thoughts from here turn to basic knowledge of electricity and the thoughts of a stark raving mad evil scientist mind. So what we got here is the signs of a sick, sick mind. I think the sudden bursts of High Voltage through the mind amplify this, I have proof as well. In a recent study on laboratory rats, it was discovered that sudden bursts of electricity to the brain from both internal and external device's caused lunacy. This study has been conducted in a controlled environment, and produced the following results. The 40 specimens tested through the application of a device known as and AED, Automated External Defibrillator, showed signs of increased paranoia and evil activity increased along the frontal lobe and the cerebral cortex. The 40 specimens subjected to implanted device shocks displayed an almost instant paranoid schizophrenia upon initial shocking, followed by a deep dive into the need to execute evil and inhumane tortures onto others. The 40 control subjects given placebo exhibited no signs of any increased evil activity. Thus resulting in the approval for human private sector testing. The subject: Steven Bunker. Start of test Sept 2 of 2011.

     Typical male subject, unsuspecting and will have no disclosure. Device implant was successful and testing will begin. So again I was reading the owners manual, and it says that your partner will feel it if it goes off during relations. So the basics of electricity would suggest if you are a male {with an ICD} and female {without an ICD} the basic idea is the electricity travels through the male body, rendering initial victim mindless. (install video camera) The High voltage of electricity travels through the male body, and leaves initial victim through whatever point on contact is available. Thus entering the female both Vaginally and through easy button. This stimulation will initially force secondary victim to spontaneously orgasm, setting the following events into motion. Male victim appears dead while this is happening for a point of reference. Turrets however is fully engaged and the female thinks its dirty talk. As the electricity travels through the female body, while she is unsuspecting in orgasmic bliss like never before experienced. The shock hits her brain and shorts out all voluntary and conscious motion and thought. Female victim is now fully engaged in Turrets or dirty talk now as well. Their lifeless body's lay entwined in a pretzel looking vomitous  mass on the floor. It appears that the camera now has body fluids splashed across the lens so we can no longer see what is happening. But the audio is scary. The turrets has stopped and the zombie noises have begun. It seems as though the male subject is up and screaming OMG! the female is starting to come around now as well and she is screaming and calling the male a rotten mother grabbing bastard. Face it folks, it probably would have been better for him to have called out her best friends name. The sounds emanating from the room are unbearable. The test is conclusive, two victims for the price of one.

     The visual may be slightly different then pictured, but I will leave that to your imagination. This is where the evil thoughts come in. I have already had thoughts of licking my finger and sticking it in a persons ear and waving a magnet over my device to shock the ever lovin shit out of some jerk offs I have encountered since. But I am on a whole different level now. I am thinking do I really want to put my wife through the possible trauma that this may cause. Then you start thinking of other scenarios as well. I am already traumatized and afraid that my device will go off because of a cough or sneeze or if I jump to high or skip rope or fall over Etc. But now I am an evil scientist and have the thoughts and curiosities of  what may happen. Yes I know I have a screwed up mind. So I am still on the same page in the owners manual and I start laughing and the wife asks me what is so funny. I am telling her what it says and then I go off into my fantasy world of explanations. I am a young man, and this is how that goes. You start thinking about what happens if a lady was giving you oral pleasures and it went off. OMG! Are you gonna loose that part she has in her mouth? Or is her head gonna explode like in the movie Scanners? Or is she just gonna freak out when her mind resets? IDK, but the evil part of me wants to find out. What happens if it goes off during ejaculation? Are my testicles going to shoot out like a cannon ball out of a cannon? Is her head gonna pop off and bounce off the wall? Does it mean I now have a fire shooting squirt gun? Oh look I could hit her from 3,000 ft. I don't have to get off the ground to be a member of the mile high club. LMFAO.   I can not believe how twisted my mind gets on crap like this. So the score before was man 0, Vibrator 1   Is this a reversal in the score? Is this actually the secret weapon? Is this going to be the latest rage in sex? 

   Well damn I may be some sort of an anomaly, maybe even a party toy. lol. When the ladies figure out what I have got, there will be no rest. OK, I know, back to reality. So while I am thinking of all the potential "side effects" and exactly how I would not want to traumatize my wife like that, I am a guy and I should actually find out what happens. So I start thinking maybe I need to find some unsuspecting young lady to experiment on. So the thoughts continue, You could see what exactly happens if it goes off during relations. Car sex, so you meet some unsuspecting partner and you get all hot and bothered and start pursuing sex in confined areas. You engage in activity and you are having a great time. Now what happens next? You are about to orgasm, being safe and wearing a condom, so the only point of contact is her easy button against your lower abdomen. What will actually happen? Is there going to be a blue ark of electricity between the two of you? Is she going to scream? Is nothing really going to happen to her at all? OMG! What is going to happen?  You notice your heart rate is very fast, and in the heat of the moment you are about to have that big O and the nuclear warhead in your chest goes off. Are you now looking out of your new sunroof? Is she Dead? Do you have burn marks on your lower abdomen where you were actually making contact? Did her head pop off or did you blast her whole body out of the car? Is this illegal? Well I wish I could answer this question for you. What I can tell you is that I am actually paranoid to find out. I am so scared of setting off my device when I am conscious that I may never know what happens. I know this however, I do love my wife and would not want to traumatize her in any way shape or form. But I have the personality and character that my mind would not hesitate to traumatize some unsuspecting woman. Its really sad I know, but I think that is where the evil scientist takes over. I love my wife and only want the best for her and my family. 

     It is enough to drive you insane! What happens? Maybe you are having a make out session and kissing passionately and twisting tongues and getting a feel in, the box ignites and she has a permanent hand print on her from where you hand was, and her mouth wont close any more? Maybe She doesn't feel a thing except that you bit off her tongue or nipple and you are going to be sued for mental anguish and do some time for physical mutilation. I mean what exactly does happen? Do you have to disclose legally and sign waivers that is was voluntary and the partner was aware you have a potentially lethal device in your chest? How seriously would it traumatize your partner? Are you going to have to visit them at the mental hospital? Would it be considered malicious? Well I honestly have no damned idea. Do I want to find out? Oh yes I do! So on the chance it would really mess some one up, Thoughts from a male perspective would be to find the bitchiest woman possible and when it goes off, I would not feel so bad about it. LOL. Maybe it would cure the bitchy attitude or even make her a sweet woman. You would actually be doing the world a favor. Am I the only one that has these thoughts? Well, I am confident that I am not the only one that has thoughts like this. I figured out that I am actually pretty normal. So I would think a lot of people out here are wondering what exactly happens. At this time it is pure speculation. A warning for the bitchy girls out there though, best aught to straighten up and be nice, or you may be the victim of experimentation.

    Well maybe I am just cruel. I really don think so, but I am like a kid with a tazer. I want to pull it out of its box and light some unsuspecting person up with it and see what happens. Will I be disappointed? Will it be everything I hoped it would be? I kinda think it would be exactly like sea monkeys, nothing like the pictures on the box. But one could hope. Maybe its just the thrill, and desire for knowledge. Maybe it is the cure all for sex being a race. From whoever gets there first wins, to just go till the box goes off and we both win. Condoms may be a moot point, because the power of the device contracting muscles would surely blow holes in the condom. What if it made that thing like a damned flame thrower too? A whole new meaning to "HOT" ladies and gents. The possibilities seem to be endless. Maybe it goes off and your lady friend is now carrying a 40 year old man full term? I never thought I could fit in my underwear drawer either. Just think about it. LOL. Then again maybe its so damned good your lover brings magnets with them to bed to be sure the shock happens. Then the rumor spreads and you will be in bed all the time. Strange how things like that can turn out to be a fad or trend. Perhaps this edition made you laugh, and perhaps it would be worth writing more on this subject. The thought is, life does not stop, and we should try to continue to live and enjoy things. There are however certain things that take a while to over come. Sex so far is a challenge, at least for me it is. I am torn on how to really approach it.

 I hope my next entry is a lot sooner then they have been over the last couple weeks. I think this is beneficial and I enjoy it. I did go back to work selling cars for the time being, and perhaps that is where I stay. Should be testing out in my GED in a couple weeks, as I now have to schedule it around a job. I hope all goes very well. 

   Keep coming back! I am sure there is more of this to come.


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