Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Job search is coming to a close.

    So over the last few weeks I have been studying my butt off in an attempt to get my GED. I am so close it is scary ,only about 150 pages of math left. Then I should be ready to bang out the tests. A graduate at 43, it is an accomplishment I have been needing to do for many years. This will open new doors for me and allow me to live at some point. So during this time I have been on the job hunt as well. I have been applying to jobs via the internet and getting some response, but not the desired amounts. So yesterday I went out to a couple of dealerships and put in some applications. It was nice to see some old friends as well. People I have worked with in the past and were happy to see me. I have a couple of offers on the table, and am currently waiting for background checks to come back. From there it would appear I will be selling cars again. It has been an interesting journey to arrive back at a cor lot. I always enjoyed selling cars in the past, and I would anticipate that it will be fun to do so once again. The stress of selling for a commission only position again is strange, but I do hope I will be as good if not better then before. Things have changed a lot in my absence from the car lots, as most people research on the internet before stepping on to a car lot now.  The people are a lot more educated and it would appear internet pricing is the price now. There is a bit of reprogramming I will need to do right away to my mind to become successful at this again. I am sure it will be a positive experience once again. I am really looking forward to putting on my shiny shoes again. I am realistically pretty happy about going back to sales, just wish I had a safety net. As a father and husband with every conceivable bill a guy could have, it does stress you out a bit.

For those of you that never saw the movie Used Cars I highly recommend it. Just bear in mind its an older movie now. If you don't laugh, then check your pulse. That movie had not been out long when I did my first car lot gig back in the mid eighties at Leo Payne Volkswagen on west Colfax in Lakewood Co. The dealership has closed and several others have come and gone in that building since. But I remember being a lot guy there, and all the shenanigans that used to go on there that were similar to the one in the movie. It was flat out amazing to me that stuff like that could actually happen at a place of business. It was absolutely incredible, and a ton of fun. One of the memories I have of that lot was a couple of really cute girls came walking by the lot one summer afternoon, and started talking with me and following me around. I was not one to interrupt my work for personal things at that time in my life, and continued working. I had one of them finally grab the chamois I was using and ask me if I wanted her to rub me down with it. Not knowing any better I was about to say sure, when my friend Jeff Benton, one of the sales guys there jumped in and said dude they're hookers. I was always under the impression hookers were not very attractive girls, man was I wrong. I emerged from that day at work a little wiser. I was surprised that professional women would want to be talking to a teenager. But what really surprised me was that it seems like they were my age.  What does this have to do with anything you ask. Well it has to do with life experiences, things that all of a sudden pop into your mind after a life threatening situation. It is impressive how vivid my memories are after my brush with death. But the coolest thing is how random they show up. And how what may have been stressful then, is quite a fond memory now. No I didn't sleep with the hookers. I am relatively confident that one of the sales guys did though. 

     I remember talking with some of the salesmen and managers, they were always bitching about how they used to have the sexy ladies out on the lot on Saturdays, to lure in customers. They used to complain that they couldn't get the same results with the got damn balloons tied to every car, and they needed a better gimmick to get people on the lot. I never got to witness those days, but it seemed like we did pretty well anyway. We always had fun, and they catered in lunch on Saturdays and the cash in fist spiff money was unreal. It was fairly common for a salesman to get 7 or 8 hundred dollars or so in cash money on Saturday nights. Then they would tip the lot guy and go party it up and be broke again on Monday. Things were a lot less expensive then as well. Man the memories that come back are insane. So at any rate the idea behind this is a great movie if you like to laugh. The other idea behind this is the stress of searching is basically over at this point.  I am relieved in a way, and happy to be able to work with some old friends once again. I can't wait to create some fun memories once again in this next chapter in my life. The thing you have to consider however are, not all car lots are fun. There are some real dick heads at most of them that think it should always be serious. There are also those that want to see you fail, and those that are afraid to talk with people. I hope I find my groove again soon. The other things that can go hand in hand on a lot and with an ICD would be Hydration.

    It is so easy to become dehydrated on a car lot it is amazing. I learned this again yesterday, when I was talking to some old friends. We walked around the lot, and I was so dry I went to the bathroom and was impressed I could pee orange marmalade. That is how you know you are dehydrated, you pee jelly. Alright it was definitely closer to dust. So I learned I have to have a nice water source available, and I have to drink a lot of it. I am under the impression that dehydration can get you nuked. I really do not need to get electrocuted because I didn't drink enough. That would not be a good thing in my book. So remember, if you pee and its not clear you are dehydrated. Drink lots of water. It does appear that my adventure in life will be continuing on. I hope to make it as interesting as possible. I am going to do the absolute best I can, and try to put my family into a better position. I am looking forward to all of the things to come. Perhaps I will be able to get my tattoo done before long as well. 

  Have a great day everyone! I will write more a bit later. I am thinking of adding a page of all ICD procedure related things to spread the information. 

Keep coming back.

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