Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sweet mother of Social Studies!

   So for those of you that have been keeping up with my blog, you know I am working on my GED. Well my mind is spinning, but my studies are progressing well I believe. I have found that I am reading things several times to get a grasp on what things mean. When I was younger I could get a grasp on things considerably easier. Well crap, lets face the facts, a couple of years ago I could have breezed through this. I really think my medications inhibit how I interpret information. I find concentrating on things to still be rather difficult. On a good note my large aquarium has finally cleared up, it has only taken a year and a half. WTF. So even though it appears that some of my skills are suffering, some things just still seem to fall into place. I can not believe that some of this stuff in the GED are so damned difficult, WOW! SO I have been sleeping much better over the last few weeks, but I am still waking up with some chest pain. I suppose that this is going to be the norm for me. Oh and for those of you that have a device, when your kids hug you and dig their chin in and slide down onto the top of your device it hurts like no fliping tomorrow. OMG, I didn't want him to see, but it made dear old dad cry. I swear that was a whole new pain I have never felt before. Dammmmmmit!

   I hope I didn't look like that when it happened, but I sure did feel that way! Of course I feel like that when I sleep and fold that thing up all night too. This is certainly an adventure, not for the faint of heart either. I am amazed at how much my memory seems to be clouded up, and it drives me crazy. I just hope I am going to retain most of this information for another week or two. Then I am going to have to enroll into college and get busy with a Bachelors Degree. It would appear that you can not succeed without some college education. I still  do not know what I want to be when I grow up! What? I am grown up? When did that happen? The joys of life. The good news is that my pain goes away fairly quickly, and I am sure its nothing. My wife forces me to walk about every night, and the smoke in the air has dissipated so I can breathe on our walks. The fires seem to be getting contained, and the people in the Black Forest are returning to their homes. At least those that were fortunate enough to not have theirs burned down. I feel for those people, but we as humans need to know mother nature does tend to clean house. She doesn't care if we approve or not. The best part is it looks like she is done. Now the trees can reproduce and the land is fertile once again. It will be glorious and fresh and heal well. The houses can be rebuilt and everyone will be happy once again. 

    It will be creepy for a while, but what you do not see in this picture is all the new life starting to emerge from the forest floor. It really won't be long until the luster of the forest has returned. What people should be grateful for is that they are still alive. The same thing that I am grateful for! I am grateful I am still alive, and I can listen to the warnings of not breathing in the smoke. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to be getting my GED, even though I am sure my medications have a cloud through my mind. I am grateful that I can still enjoy the warmth of the sun on my back, and the cool breezes as they blow by and rustle the leaves in the trees. I am grateful I am still able to despise the gusts of wind as well. I am grateful I am still here and have the privilege of living in a small town. I am grateful that I have to bathe my dog's tomorrow because they stink to high hell and I have no clue as to why. I am absolutely about to puke my guts out sitting next to them at the moment. I am scared that puking may get me shocked though, and I really do not need that. The things we used to hate, now have a new fear associated with them. I am hoping that it is just paranoia. Coughing, sneezing and puking are just a few. The best part of life today is I am 600 pages closer too my GED. I am one step closer to finally having a real career that pays me well, and has a lot less of the crap to go along with it. I am one step closer to having what I desire in an education and a career. I will be successful at this even with a cloud in my mind. I wish you all the best. I will write again tomorrow. I hope you all have a great evening! 

   Keep coming back. Getting used to this is a group effort! I hope it is helping some of you. I think just writing about some of this i helping me as well. 


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